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Initiatives & Projects

  • 2014–2018 active member of the student initiative Culture of Critical Thinking: promoting critical thinking through short educational videos (University of Rijeka, Croatia)[volunteering]

  • 2011–2012 the founder and head of the student project Live streaming of lectures at Faculty of humanities and social sciences (University of Rijeka, Croatia) [volunteering]   

  • 2009–2012 the founder and head of the student project AudioVideoClass: The creation of auditory and visual teaching materials at Faculty of humanities and social sciences (University of Rijeka, Croatia) [volunteering]

Popular Science Publications

  • ​​Fuš, M. and M. Lee Dupree. 2017. The Ghost’s Right to Life. In The X-Files and Philosophy, ed. R. Arp, 269-274. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Company. 

  • Fuš, M. and M. Lee Dupree. 2016. Masks, Hearts, and Superheroes. In Batman, Superman, and Philosophy, ed. N. Michaud, 99-108. Chicago: The Open Court Publishing Company.



Translations of Scientific Texts for Teaching Purposes (from English into Croatian)

  • McMillan J., Snelling J. and C. Gavaghan. 2016. Psychopaths, post-sentence preventive detention and the rhetoric of risk. In Moralni, politički i epistemološki odgovori na društvene devijacije, ed. S. Prijić-Samaržija, L. Malatesti and E. Baccarini, ch. 10. Rijeka: University of Rijeka. // Trans. Mirela Fuš. Psihopati, sigurnosno zatvaranje po punom izvršenju kazne zatvora i retorika rizika.

  • Frankfurt, H.G. 1969. Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility. The Journal of Philosophy 66 (23): 829-839. // Trans. Mirela Fuš. Unpublished, 2012. Alternativne mogućnosti i moralna odgovornost. Ed. Filip Čeč. (available at:š/Translations)

  • Strawson, P.F. 1974. Freedom and Resentment. In Freedom and Resentment and other Essays. London: Methuen, 1-25. // Trans. Mirela Fuš. Unpublished, 2012. Sloboda i zamjeranje. Ed. Filip Čeč. (available at:š/Translations)

Audiovisual material


  • Kultura kritickog misljenja. (2017,  October 21). 3. Video - Dijagramiranje argumenata (tema rasprave: slike na kutijama cigareta) [Diagraming arguments (discussion topic: pictures on the cigarette packs)]. [Video]. YouTube.

  • Kultura kritickog misljenja. (2017 February, 19). 1. Video - Pažljivo čitanje i slušanje (tema rasprave: tekst o Trumpu) [Careful reading and listening (discussion topic: text about Trump)]. [Video]. YouTube.

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